why choose dubai nursery

6 Retail garden centers & nurseries covering over 60,000 sqm

Socially responsible business that believes in sustainability and green

6+ High tech vehicles for dedicated delivery across the UAE

Avoid the hassle, cost or commitment of high-maintenance plants and greenery through our plant rental services. Dubai Nursery offers both indoor and outdoor plants for short-term rental. Contact us today to rent plants for events including (but not limited to) corporate events, weddings, and exhibitions across the UAE.

our work

about us

As the pioneers of Nursery Management, Irrigation, and Landscaping in the UAE, Dubai Nursery LLC is the full service provider for all your landscaping requirements. From unique landscaping designs to installation and maintenance, we specialize in providing affordable, high-quality materials and services for your plant, gardening, and landscaping needs.

our notable clients

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